Monday, August 27, 2018

Samhain Stout and Sinister Jack T-Shirt Sale!

If Halloween had a beer, it would be made by the (currently imaginary) 31st October Brewco, and Samhain, himself, would be its Head Brewmaster!
I'm making a run at clearing space and lucky you, Dear Reader, I've decided to have a sale on these soft, comfy, SINISTER t-shirts!
Sinister Jack Spiced Ale, brewed by the darkest souls! T-shirt looks amazing on the living -- or the dead!
Samhain Stout, brewed by the darkest souls! Gray heather t-shirt with Samhain Stout beer label design looks fantastic on the living or the undead!

I have both men's and women's shirts on clearance for $10 plus shipping. They're of exceptionally good quality and the design was a collaboration between artist Bob Lizarraga and myself!

Head over to ShellHawk's Creations on Etsy to purchase your t-shirts now, and in the coming weeks, there just might be a few of my ceramic jack-o'-lanterns to adopt, too!

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