Monday, April 13, 2015


I got to spend time in the studio this weekend! Yay! It was long overdue, but having a new job means that 30 hours a week have disappeared. When the office moves this Friday, it'll be more like 35-40. I know the rest of you have jobs and somehow make it work with family demands, etc., so I know I can do it. I'm just not sure how I'll make the show commitments I have, plus commissions, etc. Maybe a lottery win?

Anyway, I've been playing with some new designs, which are more sculptural. The ones pictured have a hole in the back of their heads for tea lights.
 The one below was going to be a witch, but ended up with a pumpkin head. So he's got moobs? So what? :D
Still feeling my way with these, but overall, I'm pretty happy with them. Well, onwards to the next one!


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