Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Eve at the Nest
Years later, I came to the belated realization that New Year's Eve wasn't the same as the pagan New Year's Eve, which is Halloween. No wonder the damn theory never worked!
I still do it, though, and make sure to make lentil soup on New Year's Eve, for good luck, per my grandma's instructions and my dad's recipe. If you want to make lentils tonight or tomorrow, here's a good recipe.
I spent much of yesterday in the Garage of Doom, cleaning and reorganizing. Some of you will remember my previous post on claiming space, and man, is that what I did yesterday! I found a space for my cauldron in the ever-shrinking attic space, and found some space for a couple of blow-mold pumpkins that were hanging around in my studio space. I moved the wine fridge (had to empty the damn thing out first, too!) out of the space where my utility sink will go and put it only a few steps away. I was concerned that if I parked the Dodge there (yes, she's still here, as I haven't had time to deal with her, yet.), we wouldn't be able to open the fridge door, but there was space to spare and the garage door closed easily behind her. The 10' ladder got hung up in its place. Stewie had already found a home, though I'd like to find a spot for his base.
What's amusing to me is the concept that the Universe abhors a vacuum, and no sooner had I sat down for dinner, there was a knock at the door. It was my neighbor, Bud, with two female dummy torsos that were a gift from a friend of his who came to visit me this summer during build time! I don't know what I'll do with them, but I'm sure I'll find a use for them in the haunt.
Clear your space, kids! You never know what fun thing is going to come in to fill it!
Anyway, all the Christmas totes came down from the attic, and I'll attack the task of putting Christmas Crap away today and get the tree out of the house, too. It's going to be another exhausting day, for sure, but I love that smug feeling of accomplishment when everything is in order!
Happy New Year to you all, and thanks for hanging around this year. Whether you know it or not, you've made a difference in my life-even the silent lurkers!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Loot
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Haunt Cast 14 is Up!
Give it a listen-it's the best antidote for the in-laws who won't leave!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
You Wish You Were Me-Update
What they couldn't know, is that in a secret location somewhere in L.A. county, I was to have a chance meeting with the gracious William Sanderson, aka Sheriff Bud Dearborn. I really wish it weren't taboo to leave an e-mail address and stay in touch with folks like this, because he just seems like a guy I'd like to sit down and share drinks with, talk about his career and life, and just pick his brain. He seems genuinely interesting, and I love to talk with interesting people. Thanks, Bill, for being so nice and not being afraid to talk to strangers. And I still love your hat!
As I drove to my favorite knitting store, I thought that since meetings like this usually come in threes, that I might meet Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse) or Rutina Wesley (Tara Thornton) there, but I didn't. I guess they don't knit. Oh, well. Maybe next time.
My Secret Santa Can Suck It Gift To ME!
As the last few days have gone by, I thought of one more twist to this gift, one that would make it even more fun: Share the whole package with CalHaunts (NorCal and SoCal) members, and whatever members of the Garage of Evil want to participate, complete with babysitters for their kids so Mom and Dad could enjoy themselves and not feel rushed. (You who don't belong to either of these groups had better sign up, and fast!)
So once again, your dear Mistress of Mayhem, ShellHawk is sharing her (virtual) bounty with you. Give, give, give! Never take. That's me.
Merry Christmas,all of you! Hope you liked your (virtual) gift!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
You Wish You Were Me

Nelsan Ellis, also known as Lafayette on HBO's True Blood. His friend Jay (sorry-I didn't catch a last name, and he probably would have thought it creepy if I had asked) was absolutely a delightful conversationalist, and I really enjoyed my time with the both of them. I hope to see both of their careers soar, mostly because they were both really nice and down-to-earth people (and they also have real talent), unlike some other actors I have met-or is that tangled with? And before you rush off to the bar to star-search, he isn't a regular, so you won't see him there.
Nelsan, if you read this, thanks for a fun and relaxing evening and great convo. You're a doll! Oh, and to be really Hollywood- Love you! Love your show! *air kiss*
Monday, December 21, 2009
"Produced By" Book Review
Good things are happening since the release! Today, "Produced By: The Official Magazine of the Producers Guild of America/Winter 2009" is coming out, and has a glowing review of my dad's book. I scanned and copied it-hopefully the print isn't so microscopic that you can't read it.
Oh, and? Please buy his book. It makes a lovely Christmas gift, and that's my inheritance you're supplying. Thanks!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I'm Off!
I just finished recording my portion of Haunt Cast, which will be out on the 26th. Be sure to tune in! It's just the remedy you need for the post-Holiday twitching.
Wishing you all a lovely Holiday Season! Thanks for joining me this year in the crazy little world I live in!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Secret Santa Can Suck It!
I've been so busy, my first thought was, "I did? When did I do that?" But there I was, first on the list to be Santa. Astounding!
So David of Dark Artifacts is virtually receiving from me fencing lessons from Club D'escrime Olympia Longueuil right there in Quebec, where he lives. At least, I think that's what I'm giving him, since the entire site is in French, and I speak NONE!
I decided to give this to him because he says on his profile that he spends way too much time alone with his computer, so I thought he should get out more and use that brain of his to figure out how to meet new people, whom he can then beat black and blue with a fencing foil. I think that truly defines friendship, which is the very essence of the Christmas Season.
Have fun, David! And do get out more and live a little. Life goes by too fast to be stuck behind a computer!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
And the Winner Is...
And the prize is...
The Limited Edition Dark Holiday Collection Pack from Dark Candles!
All of you who didn't enter are jealous, aren't you? Well, maybe next time!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'm Curious-A Giveaway Opportunity

I'm so curious, in fact, that I'll make this a giveaway. If everyone who frequents this blog will leave a comment on this post telling me what city, state, and country (if outside the U.S.) you live in, I'll randomly pick someone on December 15th and I'll send you a something. I haven't figured out what, yet, but it'll be good. If you're not comfortable revealing your city, your state is fine. And please, no made-up cities, o.k.? I know that's what you were thinking!
Looking forward to finding out how far my evil influence has spread. Good Luck!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
For Pumpkin Rot-Feel Better!
Man flu instructions here. This is serious, ladies! Take it seriously...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Snow Day
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dark Candles

I learned about this place through Pumpkinrot's blog and bought for the Halloween Season. I was delighted with the products and delighted to find that the proprietress hand-makes all the candles herself. I can't tell you what I've ordered for Yule, but it will be fun to hand out presents this year!
Get it here.
ELE Approved
I really should get my application in...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
News From the Nest

Turns out it was only a box of books someone was too damn lazy to take to the Post Office, but at least the guys had a chance to play with their toys. It's a pretty quiet town, so I don't begrudge them the opportunity!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
It's Up!
Scaredale Animation
It looks amazing!
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
And Now For Something Completely Different...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I always wondered why no one had covered the topic of what would happen if vampires did win. No one had seriously explored the geometric progression of the vampire population and the ramifications of it.
Could be fun!
Monday, November 23, 2009
CalHaunts NorCal
One of our members does a puppet show for the kids.
We had such a great time, ate far too much, had too much sugar and killed off two large bottles of champagne. We usually don't have the opportunity to socialize so much, because our meetings are make-and-takes and we're building a project, so the wrap-up meeting tends to be more of a party than a meeting. I'm good at parties!
Below, the rogues who made it out to my place. What a great group of people!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Fog Chiller Mod
I came up with this simple idea. I took a section of dryer vent, which you can extend and bend the way it best suits your situation. I like this, because once you bend it, it stays that way. I then purchased a guide for a downspout, which is also available at Home Depot or Lowe's.I extended the dryer vent and primered it, but used the wrong primer, unfortunately. (That's what I get for not paying attention and listening to the guy at Home Depot, who said I could use anything to primer.) If you try this, be sure to use metal primer.
I didn't get around to stripping it and re-primering it this year, but if I had, I would then have painted it over with a flat black paint. The color really didn't wind up mattering this time, as I had it tucked among the bushes so it wasn't too visible. I also took some plastic paint and painted the downspout guide black. I then attached it to the vent with a 4" abs pipe fitting and some duct tape. I duct taped the other end to my fog chiller. I then filled in the gaps on the downspout end with Great Stuff. Below is the result. Not pretty, but effective on Halloween night.
This was all before I saw this video on using an irrigation pipe as a chiller. I might drill a few holes in my dryer vent pipe next year and see how it goes.