The Freakshow
12 years ago
An opening in the trees now cheered him with the hopes that the church bridge was at hand. The wavering reflection of a silver star in the bosom of the brook told him that he was not mistaken. He saw the walls of the church dimly glaring under the trees beyond. He recollected the place where Brom Bones's ghostly competitor had disappeared. "If I can but reach that bridge," thought Ichabod, "I am safe." Just then he heard the black steed panting and blowing close behind him; he even fancied that he felt his hot breath. Another convulsive kick in the ribs, and old Gunpowder sprang upon the bridge; he thundered over the resounding planks; he gained the opposite side; and now Ichabod cast a look behind to see if his pursuer should vanish, according to rule, in a flash of fire and brimstone. Just then he saw the goblin rising in his stirrups, and in the very act of hurling his head at him. Ichabod endeavored to dodge the horrible missile, but too late. It encountered his cranium with a tremendous crash,—he was tumbled headlong into the dust, and Gunpowder, the black steed, and the goblin rider, passed by like a whirlwind.
"A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere. Some say that the place was bewitched by a High German doctor, during the early days of the settlement; others, that an old Indian chief, the prophet or wizard of his tribe, held his powwows there before the country was discovered by Master Hendrick Hudson. Certain it is, the place still continues under the sway of some witching power, that holds a spell over the minds of the good people, causing them to walk in a continual reverie. They are given to all kinds of marvellous beliefs, are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sights, and hear music and voices in the air. The whole neighborhood abounds with local tales, haunted spots, and twilight superstitions; stars shoot and meteors glare oftener across the valley than in any other part of the country, and the nightmare, with her whole ninefold, seems to make it the favorite scene of her gambols."
Ed wraps his tentacles around adding some Lovecraftian touches to your haunt.
SHOCKTAILS:Johnny Thunder and Chris re-open the Last Bar on the Left to blather about putrid prints, The Walking Dead and to review “The Guest” and “Da sweet blood of Jesus“.
GHOULIE GROOVES:Ground breaking music from The Living Deads.
THE BONE PHONE:JWal, Deoblo and B-Good from Haunter’s Hangout let it all Hangout in the dungeon.
CHARMED POT:The Mistress of Mayhem showers you with Love…craft.
MAD PROPS:Hauntcast throws a bone to Art Hayes a.k.a. Death Wraith for his lunging dog prop.
PROP SHOP:Denny helps us toughen up our skin with Smooth-On’s newest product, Habitat Black.
NEWS FROM BEYOND:Haunt tradeshow and convention overview.
THEATER OF THE MIND:Revenant ponders the work of horror maestro H.P. Lovecraft and its use in the haunt. It ain’t about tentacles, folks.And now, Hauntcast is free! You can head over to the site and download all the previous episodes so you can get your haunt on. There's even a button so you can donate and win prizes, so amble over to the dungeon and see what's on the slab!