Sunday, July 7, 2024

New in the Shop and Coming Soon!

Things are always busy and I am so here for it!

I have some new Moose and Squirrel mug sets coming to the ShellHawk's Creations Etsy shop, and I am so doggone pleased with how they turned out! Black with red inlay and gorgeous copper on the rim!

I've been playing with new gold decals and new underglaze patterns, too! These are currently in the shop and ready to come live with you!

And there are some fun, NSFW mugs ready to go, too!

Head on over to the ShellHawk's Creations Etsy store and get a little somethin'-somethin' for yourself!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

New WIPs and News from the Nest

It's been slow going around here, because life has been busier of late! Even so, I've been chugging along, playing with new designs and putting some fun and whimsy into my work.

Am I reflecting my current mood? Maybe. Regardless, cussy cups are now on the menu!

It hasn't been all work, though. I took some time out to hit the Supernatural convention near my house and had a blast!


I indulged in a few photo ops, and they were worth every damn penny!

I don't generally fangirl, as I grew up in Los Angeles and have had lots of contact with people in the film industry, but getting to stand this close to Jensen Ackles and Jeffrey Dean Morgan was something else! Sweethearts, the both of them!

I absolutely adored Kim and Brianna! Kind and gracious, as were all the cast members I interacted with!

I'd like to add that my next ex-husband is looking mighty fine, too! ;) We had a couple of fun encounters, and he's just as much of a cinnamon roll/chaos goblin as you've heard!

Maybe I'll do this again next year? Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Pots and Thoughts!

Hi, gang!

I'm expanding my audience for my ceramics and thought that I'd combine it with a potter's version of a fireside chat. If you have time, would you watch this and give me some honest feedback? I'm not fishing for compliments! I'd like some real opinions so I can improve this!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

It's been a minute, I know! But I still intend to keep this rolling.
Meanwhile, click on the pic for some Easter fun!