Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Happy Imbolc!

Kahili Ginger
 Happy, happy Imbolc!

Celebrated from February 1st to sunset on February 2nd, Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, celebrated the beginning of Spring, the lambing season, and the beginning of new life! The light is returning, the world pregnant with hidden possibilities!

And can't we use that this year, more than any in recent history?

It's a time to light candles with intentions of rebirth, have something with ginger in it to stoke the fires of that First Chakra energy, to remember that the Triple Goddess is in her Maiden form and bursting with possibility!

So meditate on the new opportunities you desire, let go of the past (I always like to write it down and then burn it to set it free), and move forward into a clean, new space. Create anew!


  1. So odd that this post came up today as in cleaning my office I ran across my Pegan holiday book. Thanks for the post


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