Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ShellHawk's Creations New Logo!

I've needed a logo for several years, now. Something for just the Hallowe'en season, initially, then one for the rest of the year. There have been several designers who have volunteered to take a run at it, and while their efforts were really, really good, they didn't resonate for me the way I had hoped.

Then, the above logo was presented to me, and it clicked! It's got just a hint of the Wicked Witch about it, doesn't it?

Just in time for the Season. Whew! Another version, one that can be put on a black background, is being made.

I was thinking about a pre-order for t-shirts. Is anyone interested?

Logo by Bill at Ballistic Designs. Thanks, Bill! It looks awesome!


  1. That's really a fantastic design! Fits your work perfectly!

  2. Like it!

    -Anonymous Anne

  3. wow I love your site design, I have a website called and would love to know who designed it for you!


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