Friday, October 11, 2024

Oil and Blood

Othello and Desdemona, Alexandre Marie Colin

(Click on the pic for the song)

Oil and Blood by The Unsettlers

She wore a homemade dress made of broken bones
She owned lonely horses with outstanding loans
She cut the head off a nickel for all your bad luck
She pulled out her matches and struck

Oil and Blood in the kitchen sink
And boiling mud I'm on the brink
And I've forgotten her name
And now let me think

While I wake in this valley below

She drinks homemade whiskey and she chews the fat
There's no sense in lying she can smell a rat
She lives with the dead and the stench is foul
She serves hornet pie with a trowel

Oil and blood in the kitchen sink
And boiling mud I'm on the brink
And I've forgotten her name
And now let me think

As I wake in this valley below

She sings

"Mother Mary, go around back
There's a hearse by the side of the road.
Mother Mary, go around back
There's a fair fae lettin' you know..."

She saves her own sweat and she sees the dead to their graves
She sings to the moon while you rant and rave
She has her twin tied up in a church on a pew
She has a plan for her and one for you too

Oil and Blood in the kitchen sink
And boiling mud I'm on the brink
I've forgotten her name
And now let me think

As I sleep in this valley below
She has a velvet tongue and a rattle snake
She goes a thousand days without a break
She has a tombstone for every dollar
She waltzes all night in a funeral parlor

Oil and Blood in the kitchen sink
And boiling mud I'm on the brink
And I've forgotten her name
And now let me think

As I walk in this valley below

She has a razor sharp whisper she's the colour of bone
She sleeps in the attic when nobody's home
She sharpens her teeth to a bevel
Evil Desdemona of the devil

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