Thursday, March 8, 2012

40 to Go and PayPal Are Nazis

I just got a heads-up from Chris that PayPal called him yesterday and told him he can't have any mention of a raffle on the Hauntcast website and use their service, as they consider it a form of gambling. Though he told them that this is actually a promotion, it has fallen on deaf ears, so Chris is looking into other options for payment. I support him completely in this, because I feel that to cave in to their demand is a slap in the face to our vendors and listeners, alike.

If you want to subscribe with the Bill Me Later option, do it now, as Chris will be pulling Paypal from the Hauntcast site within the next few days.

We have forty left until we hit our 250 mark. Will you be one of the last forty people to be allowed into the now-controversial raffle? 


  1. I was afraid that would happen when he first started accepting PayPal payments. :( I'm VERY glad it didn't happen earlier or I believe it would have affected too many people and prohibited some subscribers.

    Hopefully he'll find another payment method, maybe Amazon Payments?

    VERY HAPPY for you all that the show will continue!!! :)

  2. Thanks! We're really excited, too!


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