Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Does This Tombstone Make My Butt Look Big?

This past weekend, I was overjoyed to find that I had no homework assignments due at school (Sure I had an essay to start researching, but it's not due for a couple of weeks), so I spent nearly every waking moment in the Garage of Doom, working on Beloved and other stuff. Above, Beloved has her Drylok on. I did the tea-staining step a couple of days before. In Terra's tombstone tutorial, she recommends you take a small amount of paint on your brush and dip it in water before you apply it to the tombstone. I like this approach, and I also tried something a little different, just to play around with another technique. I took a brush and wet down the tombstone, then took a brush with a bit of dark gray paint on it and swiped it over the watered area. When done right, the paint spreads over the area in a sort of watercolor fashion. The bleed looks good, you just have to keep an eye out for water drips. After I did the paint swipe, I went back over the area with a watered-down fan brush if the paint looked too dark and stripey.
A couple of days later, I started the dry-brushing part of Beloved's paint job. This is that part where you take lightly grayed paint , load your brush, wipe most of the paint off on a paper towel, and go to town. This really gives a prop dimension.
Dry-brush step: complete!One thing I am concerned about is the fact that I couldn't fit any paper towels into the holes in her hair, because I laid her hair out very closely. I can only hope that no rain gets in there and starts to melt her. That would be a major pisser.


  1. Your Beloved came out beautiful!

    As for your concern about her melting, could you use a water sealant, like Thompsons to spray into the hair area? Or perhaps drip some liquid latex into the holes?

  2. She looks lovely. Beautiful work. Your attention to detail really shows.


  3. That looks GREAT!

    A trick I've done in the past you might try. Go ahead and pour a little water on it, just a cup full or use a watering can. See where it puddles and might cause damage in case of rain. Drill a few tiny drain holes or use a nail to carve in small cracks that will act as gutters to let the water run off.

  4. Genius, Dave! I'll do that!
    Countess, another great idea. I'll be doing that, too.

  5. just wanted to say this piece is awesome!!!!

    really great work. hope the weather is kind to you.

  6. Your Beloved is AWESOME! I am so impressed! I only wish I could get what is in my mind to show in my work!


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