Thursday, June 25, 2009

Didn't Know You Were Reading an Award-Winning Blog, Didja?

I received this award from MarZel at The Play of Light and Shadow blog. Wow! Time to pass it on to folks. I'm sure my choices won't shock anyone...

1) Pumpkin Rot, for his endless dedication to Halloween: the images, the props, the atmosphere.
2) SpookyBlue, for his sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, yet always wonderful posts.
3) Dave Lowe Design: The Blog, for Niece Devin updates, and sharing both personal and professional, and cool prop-building ideas.
4) The Shadow Farm, props for some fantastic props!
5) Haunt Style, for finding the coolest stuff that I didn't know I couldn't live without!
6) Badder Homes and Gardens. Because, that's why!
7) The Art of Darkness, for the best link dumps. Ever.

Pass it on, kids.


  1. Congratulations! And what a great group of people that you passed it onto... Kudos!

  2. LOLOL. Of all the things I ever thought I might be famous for, I never expected it to be link dumps.

    Thanks for the award! :D


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