Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gaping Void-Hugh MacLeod

I found this through Twitter. I think this is sage advice for all of us. Make sure to scroll down and read everything!

Update: I need to credit John T. Unger from Twitter for this! (Sorry- brain fart!)


  1. wonderful advice...I quoted some of this on my deviant art account, altho' this kind of advice ain't just for artists! thanks for sharing!

  2. Just ordered the book, this looks like something that I need. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I think my favourite is "The most impor­tant thing a crea­tive per­son can learn pro­fes­sio­nally is where to draw the red line that sepa­ra­tes what you are willing to do, and what you are not." I got a taste of that this year.

  4. Great book. I think I need to dig mine out and read it again. I think I need a refersher course! :)



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