As I've said before, this week has been nutty. The National Haunter's Convention is coming up, so all other projects have been put on the back burner so I could get the numerous details of that endeavor tended to. I finally got a chance to run my glaze firing yesterday, and propped the kiln open a little wider to allow things to cool so I can pull them out and finish my hanging pots, then take pictures for the brochure I need to get together. Since I'm shipping everything to the hotel where I'm staying, it's got to be done by the end of this week so I can get the brochures printed up. I think that if possible, I'll take a page out of Pumpkinrot's book and take them on location nearby to shoot. Of course, that's if the weather cooperates; it's been raining pretty hard all weekend. The yellow iris I planted two years ago when we moved here are like clouds of sunshine in the flower beds, and look particularly bright on dreary rainy days. I look out my front windows and have to smile at them, they're so cheerful.
The wood floors we just had put in look fantastic, though the dogs are slipping all over like we just intalled an Olympic-sized ice arena. We have a few rugs put down which have been in storage for the last two and a half years, but the most fun spots to play, apparently, are the places without rugs. Of course, the hitch is that we've run out of tile for the bathroom and have no toilet in there, which is lovely, since we have company coming to stay for the weekend and the missing toilet is in the guest bath. Or, rather, not in the guest bath. We're calling around to find the five pieces of tile needed to complete the job but keep getting the, "It's a special order item," response from everyone, and that it'll be ten days or suchlike to get it in. I keep reminding myself that it's not really a crisis, that it's just inconvenient and that we can probably put the toilet back in for a little bit if push comes to shove. It's just the stupid delays of "construction" and I should be well aware that if we want something done by a contractor, we should add on three to four weeks of their estimated time to get the job done. Of course, my guests are important enough to me that I wanted everything finished and perfect when they arrived, but realistically I realize it's probably not going to happen. They'll forgive me, anyway!
Going back to the Haunter's Convention, I've been deciding on my "look," if you will. My look du jour tends to run to sweats with copious amounts of paint, clay, or carpet glue liberally spread all over them, and that wasn't going to cut it for the Convention. Chris Baker and I have sort of worked something out, but I haven't updated him on the fact that "The Look" has morphed slightly since we last spoke. (I claim a woman's prerogotive to change her mind!) I have now found a number of new websites and eBay searches to obsess over, however, and plan to visit them from time to time to drool over their wares. It'll also be a nice impetus for me to start losing some weight again.
I wish I had the body I used to bitch about!
Update: Mr. ShellHawk found the tile we need, and brought it home today. Ye Gods, how I love that man!