Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hey! We're Nominated!

It looks like the craven begging we did to get you folks to nominate Hauntcast for the Podcast awards worked! Since I'm a big fan of the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," philosophy, I'm here to cravenly beg that you take some time to vote for us in the "Best Produced" and "General" categories. You can vote daily, too! UPDATE: Apparently, you have to vote daily to get the votes to win. Sorry it's such a p.i.t.a., but there you have it!

Please head over to the Podcast Awards website and vote. (You can even click on the cute little banner above and it'll take you to the website.)

If you want to get the word out about this event, take a few minutes to post about it on your blog, or on Facebook, Twitter, or the bathroom wall. (Potty humor does have its place...)

Voting ends December 15th, so don't wait! You might even win a date with Chris Baker. (That blatant lie seemed to have worked last time, so I'll throw it out there again...)
If you haven't listened to Hauntcast, all the episodes are available on for download. Keep in mind: we are definitely not safe for work, small children, or farm animals!

1 comment:

  1. Woot! Woot!!

    All of my personalities voted :)

    Good luck! You guys deserve it.



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