Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Pics, as promised! Here's Jeff Davis getting prepped for a great seminar on how to improve your cemetery-and the guy should know!
I was glad to see the Davises had such a great turnout. Everyone was paying close attention, and since we were at the School for the Deaf, there was a gal signing the whole seminar, too. It was pretty cool!
Of course, as far as Christmas Ape was concerned, he was there to mingle and terrorize people with his mysterious caped ghost costume. I think he may have pooped himself a little when Michael Myers whipped out his knife, though.
I got a nice photo op with Freddy and Jason, pre-dance-off.
The Hauntcast crew, wiped out after a long weekend promoting the show! Ape was particularly tired.


  1. Again, very cool pics! Get some rest!

    Oh wait, no rest for the wicked and all that..............

  2. Ah, thanks for the mention....and I have to say, I just love that last photo. Makes me smile everytime I see it!!

    Chris (Baker) is very lucky to have you promoting Hauntcast. You did a great job, definately one of the more popular booths at the show.


  3. great pics! looks like it was well worth gettin' exhausted over! thanks for taking the time to post the photos (esp. the video of jason and freddy--a forever classic)


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