Monday, August 22, 2011

Hello, Clarice.

One of the best, most complex suspense movies, ever.

The Biography Channel did a documentary on the Silence of the Lambs awhile back; a behind-the-scenes look. I hope they bring this classic back for the big holiday season. Jodie Foster makes some comments here, too.


  1. Brrrrrrrr, what a wonderfully chilling movie! Love it!!! Although Buffalo Bill still gives me nightmares when I remember the tuck dance!

  2. The tuck dance was seriously chilling! It was that moment you truly saw how twisted his mind was.

  3. Love this movie plus the that followed after it.....

  4. This movie scared the crap out of me.When coming home from work about midnight, I looked over my shoulder constantly for 2 weeks after seeing this.

  5. I was just thinking about this movie. I was at the local coop where the checker made me think the line "would you f*ck me? I'd F*ck me", he totally reminded me of Buffalo Bill.

  6. I loved that movie. Anthony Hopkins deserved the Oscar he won as Best Actor and then some! I remember the interview he did with Barbara Walters afterwards and he resurrected Lecter. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

  7. I don't typically like 'gory' types of films because honestly I'm just a big 'chicken liver' when it comes to being scared...ha! But I LOVED that movie! Hannibal has to be my all time favorite movie villain because he was SO SMART and witty! Great movie and I would love to see it again because I haven't seen in many years!


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